Saturday, 19 February 2011

The Exotic of Komodo Island

Komodo Island is part of Komodo National Park, for those of you who like adventure animal lovers would not miss to visit the island on this one. Exotic Komodo Island is located in the province of East Nusa Tenggara, precisely in Manggarai regency. Komodo Island is located on the east side of Sumbawa island, separated by Sape straits. To visit the islands of Komodo, you can go through the route Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara provincial capital) and then headed Labuhanbajo on the island of Flores, from here you can go to Komodo Island using a speed boat.

Dubbed Komodo island because the island and surrounding islands there are giant lizards called Komodo.Komodo or the community there, call it by Ora, a reptile species that have a Latin name Varanus Komodoensis . Around 1300 stay on the island of Komodo dragons (calculated in 2009), these giant lizards also live in surrounding islands including the island of Rinca and Gili Motang, the total amount of approximately 2500.

The history of this island began in 1910 when the Dutch entered the territory of East Nusa Tenggara. The story originated from a Dutch officer named Steyn van Hens Broek that proves reports of giant lizards like the dragon. Steyn then killed a dragon and brought him to the Zoological Museum and Botanical Garden in Bogor to be investigated. The story of the giant lizard was finally published in 1912 in the National Daily Dutch East Indies by Peter A. Ouwens, director Meseum of Zoology Bogor. Since then, many made the exploitation of the islands of Komodo, which then in 1915 the Dutch government as the ruler when it forbade the killing and hunting Komodo. In 1980 an area of approximately 1.817 square kilometers by the government of Indonesia is presented as the Komodo National Park area, then recognized by UNESCO as world heritage site in 1986.

Komodo can grow and develop to reach 2-3 meters and weigh over 100 kilograms. Its main food is the meat of deer, goats and wild boar. In fact he also did not hesitate to eat other Komodo, because Komodo are indeed cannibals. A very strong sense of smell can make the Komodo detect of food from a considerable distance. Komodo's teeth are sharp and have a deadly bacteria, a powerful tail, large and sharp claws are Komodo weapon for the hunt prey.

In addition to Komodo dragons, Komodo National Park also offers other objects in the form of exotic
ecosystem of the sea floor that you can dive into. Dives can be done in the north and south of this island, here there are many different types of coral reefs as the place to live for various fish species.

Let us also preserve the dragons ... if you want an adventure to the island of Komodo, the following map

View Komodo Island in a larger map

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